
Welcome to the MathProblems Journal

The Mathproblems is an international journal which is published quartrely, emphasizing research on issues, concerns, and lessons within and between the disciplines of science and mathematics in the classroom.

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

MathProblems will be published under the auspices of the Kosovar Mathematical Society and will be supported by the New York School of Science in Kosova.


Proposals and solutions must be legible and should appear on separate sheets, each indicating the name of the sender. Drawings must be suitable for reproduction.
Proposals should be accompanied by solutions. An asterisk (*) indicates that neither the proposer nor the editors have supplied a solution.
The editors encourage undergraduate and pre-college students to submit solutions. Teachers can help by assisting their students in submitting solutions. Student solutions should include the class and school name. Solutions will be evaluated for publication by a com-mittee of professors according to a combination of criteria.Questions concerning proposals and/or solutions can be sent by e-mail to: mathproblems-ks@hotmail.com


This section of the Journal offers readers an opportunity to solve interesting and elegant mathematical problems mainly appeared in Math Contest around the world and most appropriate for training Math Olympiads. Proposals are always welcomed. The source of the proposals will appear when the solutions be published.


The journal publishes original papers in all areas of mathematics and applied mathematical sciences.

Call For papers

Authors are invited to submit articles for publication. The manuscript must be original and written in English, and can be submitted to any member of the editorial board and should send to the secretariat of the Journal.

All submitted papers will undergo through a reviewing process.